ERISA Compliance and Litigation
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Marcus & Myers works closely with insurance companies, third party plan administrators, and plan fiduciaries - both pre-suit and during litigation - to defend against alleged violations of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA). Many of these claims involve benefit disputes and denials, as well as compliance with established administrative guidelines and procedures.
The firm represents some of the largest insurers in the country, as well as Fortune 500 employers and plan sponsors. View a list of our ERISA clients.
Our AV listed partners have been instrumental in developing this unique area of law by obtaining some of the most influential and groundbreaking court rulings in the Eleventh Circuit. One such ruling was the first order from a district court in the Eleventh Circuit awarding attorney's fees to a plan for successfully defending against a claim for disability benefits. Nelson v. Liberty Life.
Several court opinions obtained by the firm serve to clarify and modify the Eleventh Circuit's enigmatic "heightened scrutiny" standard of review for ERISA plans with "inherent conflicts."
Doyle v. Liberty Life Assurance Company of Boston, 542 F.3d 1352 (11th Cir. 2008)
Doyle v. Liberty Life Assurance Company of Boston, 511 F.3d 1336 (11th Cir. 2008)
The members of the firm speak nationally on developments in ERISA benefits litigation. They continue to develop new approaches and legal theories to protect against the continuing erosion of rights of employee benefit plans, plan sponsors, and plan fiduciaries.
Contact Office Administrator Melissa Busby at 407-447-2550 x306 or to schedule your appointment with an attorney to discuss your case.
Disclaimer: Not all results are provided, the results are not necessarily representative of results obtained by the lawyer, and a prospective client's individual facts and circumstances may differ from the matter in which the results are provided.
