Appellate Practice
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Some cases do not end with the trial court's ruling. Quite often, appellate review of trial court decisions is necessary.
The AV listed partners of Marcus & Myers are experienced in handling the appellate needs of their clients. For State Court matters, we are qualified to write briefs and present oral arguments to the Florida Supreme Court, and all of the Florida District Courts of Appeal. For Federal Court matters, we are qualified to write briefs and present oral arguments to the United States Supreme Court and the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit. Our understanding of the appellate process is an advantage to our clients at the trial level, where it is critical to preserve issues for later review.
An appeal from a final judgment is the most common action in the appellate forum. Many of our clients have achieved satisfactory results in these matters.
We also handle appeals of non-final orders and original appellate proceedings for parties. In regard to the appeal of certain non-final orders, an early resolution of such issues can preserve valuable rights and assets for the client.
The firm of Marcus & Myers is prepared to aggressively challenge inappropriate discovery orders through Petitions for Writs of Certiorari in order to protect a client from invasive or improper litigation tactics.
In an era where many cases aren't over until the appellate court rules, Marcus & Myers provides a high degree of representation from the investigatory pre-litigation stage of a claim through the final ruling on appeal.
Contact Office Administrator Melissa Busby at 407-447-2550 x306 or to schedule your appointment with an attorney to discuss your case.
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